
 — 1 minute read

ifconfig-rs is yet another “what’s my IP address” service currently powering myip.rs. It is written in Rust (hence the “-rs” suffix) using the Rocket web framework and includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com. The UI is made with uikit. It is MIT licensed so please feel free to clone and to fork it.

ifconfig_rs offers an API to query information like the origin’s IP address, TCP port, host name, geoip based location, ISP, as well as user agent. See myip.rs for API and special CLI tool support.


  • It’s really fast.
  • Shows your IP address, TCP port, host name, geoip based location, ISP, and user agent.
  • Google Maps integration for geoip location
  • Special support for CLI tools like curl, httpie, and wget. API calls will be answered with just the base information followed by a newline for easy script integration.